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Class jac::Duplex

ClassList > jac > Duplex

Interface for an byte input/output stream.

  • #include <stream.h>

Inherits the following classes: jac::InputStream, jac::OutputStream

Inherited by the following classes: jac::Duplexify

Public Functions inherited from jac::InputStream

See jac::InputStream

Type Name
virtual int get () = 0
Get a single byte from the stream.
virtual void onData (std::function< void(void)>) = 0
Register a callback to be called when data is available.
virtual size_t read (std::span< uint8_t > data) = 0
Read data from the stream.
virtual ~InputStream () = default

Public Functions inherited from jac::OutputStream

See jac::OutputStream

Type Name
virtual bool flush () = 0
virtual bool put (uint8_t c) = 0
Write a single byte to the stream.
virtual size_t write (std::span< const uint8_t > data) = 0
Write a buffer to the stream.
virtual ~OutputStream () = default

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/jac/link/stream.h