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Namespace jac

Namespace List > jac


Type Name
struct CobsEncoder
class Consumer
Interface for a packet consumer.
class Crc16
class DataLinkRx
Interface that allows for receiving and processing packets from a data link.
class DataLinkTx
Interface that allows for creation and sending of packets to a data link.
struct DecodeResult
class Duplex
Interface for an byte input/output stream.
class Duplexify
A duplex stream that wraps an input and output stream.
class InputPacketCommunicator
Communicator interface that can be used to receive packets.
class InputStream
Interface for a binary input stream.
class InputStreamCommunicator
Communicator interface that can be used to receive stream data.
class Mux <class Encoder>
A multiplexer that creates 256 channels on a single stream connection.
class OutputPacketCommunicator
Communicator interface that can be used to send packets.
class OutputStream
Interface for a binary output stream.
class OutputStreamCommunicator
Communicator interface that can be used send stream data.
class Packet
Interface for building packets.
class Router
A router that can route packets from multiple data links to to consumers on specific channels.
class RouterInputPacketCommunicator
class RouterInputStreamCommunicator
class RouterOutputPacketCommunicator
class RouterOutputStreamCommunicator

Public Types

Type Name
enum int MuxError

Public Types Documentation

enum MuxError

enum jac::MuxError {

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file src/jac/link/communicator.h